Sunday, February 24, 2008

February is the shortest month for a reason!

It was cold today but at least the sun was bright.

It was a very good day. Got a few chores done that were nagging at me, which always feels good. This afternoon me and Yvonne took refresher CPR class at the fire hall. It included emergency breathing, the Heimlich maneuver, and even using an electronic defibrillator. I would recommend everyone take a class like this. It is one of those things you need to know but never want to have to use.

I will be glad when the days get warmer and a few buds start growing up through the snow.

I am hoping to write on a fairly regular basis with news and memories. One thing that is unfortunate for me is that most of my childhood family died or became estranged and a lot of family history of the Bensons and Husons was misplaced.

The Husons came to the U.S. in the 1920's from Holland. My mom's parents and at least one sister were born in Europe, but she was born here.

The Bensons came here from Sweden (and maybe Norway) in the middle of the 1800's - that makes me a Native American, right?

Anyway, it is late and I will close for now. I hope you find my musings worth reading!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your blog dad! Make sure you keep up on it! love Am