Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Day!

According to Wikipedia:

"February 29 is a date that occurs only every four years, and is called leap day. This day is added to the calendar in leap years as a corrective measure, because the earth does not orbit around the sun in precisely 365.000 days."

This is based on the Julian calendar, which was a correction of the Roman calendar, implemented in 45 BC, after consultation with the astronomer Sosigenes of Alexandria who discovered that a year was 365.25 days long, so every four years we need another day, or by 2008 it would be snowing in July.

I always wondered why of ALL the months, they would add a day to FEBRUARY. Come on, it was six degrees out yesterday - put the extra day in July when we NEED it.

Sosigenes This!

Actually it is cold but the sun is shining, so all you folks with Seasonal Affectation Disorder (heck we called it cabin fever) go outside and catch some rays!

The appropriate musical trivia link for today would be this:

A New Day Yesterday by Jetro Tull

I actually saw this band in concert twice around 1970-1972. There is no person named Jethro Tull in the band. Ian Anderson is the guy who sings, plays flute and harmonica, and takes center stage, and is often mistaken for Tull.

Also, do not complain. On the Hebrew calendar, they have Leap MONTH because they were way off!
February could be 58 days long. Heh.

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